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Forum aims to promote Macau small business

Written by Ben Blaschke

The future of Macau’s small and medium size enterprises was the topic of choice yesterday as MGM Macau hosted the second forum on Macau Integrated Tourism and Leisure Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Officially titled “Collaboration with small and medium size enterprises (SMEs)”, the forum’s purpose was to promote meaningful and effective dialogue on how to ensure the healthy future of SMEs while exploring the important role they will play in Macau’s economic development.

President of forum organizer the Macau Polytechnic Institute, Professor Lei Heong Iok, said, “a healthy development of SMEs should be conducive to Macau’s strategic goal of orienting its economic development towards moderate diversification. This will be essential for Macau as it will help to improve the overall performance of its economy and raise the living standard for all its citizens.

“The collaborative partnership forged between integrated tourism and leisure enterprises and local SMEs should create a win-win situation that can benefit both sides.”

Over 90 percent of all registered enterprises in Macau are SMEs and they employ around 40 percent of the Macau workforce.